Joke of the Week!
Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update:
"66% of Americans now believe that George Bush is doing a poor job as President.
The remaining 34% believe Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs to church."
Thanks to lw from the DNC blog!
Connecting GLBT exiles and their allies in the Red States and around the world. Scream OUT over the hate and be heard.
Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update:
Some more info on the appropriately nicknamed new nominee to the Supreme Court Judge Samuel "Scalito" Alito:
For those who haven't figure out the method to the madness of the far right wing yet, it's POWER!!! Power over our lives. Power over our choices. Power over our options. It doesn't matter whether we are talking about something supposedly as out there as equal marriage rights for gays or something the every day folks get into like raising the minimum wage or taxing the corporate elites.
Only 1 in 10 Americans, according to a new CNN Poll, believe that the Bush administration did not act unethically or illegally.
Rest in Peace, Ms. Parks, and thank you for showing us true courage in a dark time. May we all learn from your dignity and shining light.
More updates on Pharmacists Gone Wild
While the White House is falling apart due to scandal and indictments and Bush turns his usual deaf ear to trouble, members of Congress are sure to bring up the urgent national matter of queers trying to marry.
You know, all of these anti-gay "family" groups need to get laid REALLY BAD!!! Seriously, if you're having more sex, you don't give a rat's ass about what other people do!
Wow!!! Hurricane Wilma, practically overnight, jumped from a Cat 1 to Cat 5! That makes three Cat 5's this season and we've nearly run out of names.
Okay, I saw this on another site and since this person evidently signed off and I couldn't personally respond, I felt the need to express my thoughts here:
A shameless plug for an excellent organization. This was an interview in Mother Jones with Evan Wolfson who is Executive Director of Freedom to Marry, perhaps one of the largest, if not THE largest, gay rights organizations on that issue.
A recent Pew Research Center for the People & the Press poll finds that "seven in 10 said they want the next president to offer policies and programs that are different from the Bush administration's."
October 12th 2005, is the seventh anniversary of my son Matthew's murder.
Yes, it's National Coming Out Day, and while you may not be GLBT, maybe you know someone who is (or maybe you just suspect). Today would be a good day to say something nice about gay people to someone else, whether they are gay or not. Talk to someone else about the importance of gay marriage and basic civil rights for all people (why shouldn't that extend to gay citizens as well?). Even if you are not gay, do something GREAT today and COME OUT as a supporter of gay rights. Today, you can make a difference.
Bush spoke on C-SPAN this morning and it was lauded by the MSM as a MAJOR announcement, but basically it was...