
Rosa Parks, a Civil Rights Icon, Passes at 92

Rest in Peace, Ms. Parks, and thank you for showing us true courage in a dark time. May we all learn from your dignity and shining light.

The New York Times article

The Story of Rosa Parks


At 16:07, Blogger dorsano said...

She did show courage - she was also fed up at being humiliated day in and day. The two sentiments make a powerful combination.

At 17:26, Blogger Twanna A. Hines | FUNKYBROWNCHICK.com said...

Thanks for the link!

And, BTW, beautiful comment from dorsano above. (Must visit your blog once I finish typing and posting this comment.)

At 18:23, Blogger dorsano said...

Thanks Stolie. I'm sorry I haven't made it over to your place. Tonito pointed it out awhile back.

I don't do much blogging actually. When I do blog, I blog here.

Stop by now and then, Callie - we all miss you.

At 20:47, Blogger dorsano said...

Jeanne over at Body and Soul has some interesting commentary and insight.

At 06:55, Blogger Tonito Bandito said...

Sleep in peace, sweet couragious lady.

At 11:02, Blogger RedStateExile said...

Amen, my friends!!!

Thanks for sharing all of the great links and blog sites. Now I know were all the best people go. :)

At 11:11, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for blazing such a wonderful path for strong African-American inspirational women like Conzoleeza Rice.

At 13:04, Blogger RedStateExile said...

Brahahahahahaha!!!! Rice wouldn't survive one minute among her own peeps. You must be kidding! Those women would rip those $1000 shoes right off her pointy little feet and beat her over her bucktooth head with 'em!!!

Speaking of spelling a name right. Go back to grade school, Bubba!

At 13:10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's right, Condoleeza must have wandered too far off the plantation. Bad, bad African-American!! **smack** get back where you belong, as a 'slave' of the Democratic party!!

At 14:36, Blogger RedStateExile said...

Make you a sucker doesn't make you qualified. It just makes you a sucker!

At 14:44, Blogger RedStateExile said...

Well, that's what I get for rushing that post.

Lovin' it, aren't you the same one, who just a little while ago, said that because you won all these elections you get to nominate anyone you want?

Um, yeah, not like we've had a chance to see what Dems would do after 30 years of your so-called DOMINION!

At 01:26, Blogger dorsano said...

The "conservative" movement has reached its apex with the sorriest excuse for a president of the United States that we've ever produced

we've no where to go from here but up.

At 18:14, Blogger RedStateExile said...

I think some conservatives are going to start eating some crow!


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