
Deliverance Country-Up Close and Personal

Sometimes you just don't know about people until you spend time with them. I learned that this weekend.

To protect the identities of the innocent, I won't mention names or identifying information, but let's just say how frightening it is to realize you have a Neo-Nazi on your property.

This person has been nothing but nice to me (and knows that I'm gay too, which is weird), but there is something unnerving about talking about "white power" and "swastikas", jokingly telling this person not to say that too loud (we're in a very diverse neighborhood), and have this person say "I don't see anyone around who is going to challenge me."

Yeah, not a person I want to piss off, especially now that this person knows where I live.

Now, one would think that maybe this person just went through a phase and is over it now. However, I think the references to "ragheads" (for Middle Easterns) and "slant eyes" (for Asians) tells me otherwise.

Why am I okay? I don't know. Maybe 'cause I don't have a penis or maybe 'cause upon realizing his prejudices I was too afraid to challenge him. Who knows?!

I do know I was freaked out. It's one thing to know someone is a Republican and even a bigot, but "white power" and "swastikas" makes you wonder just how deep does the hatred go and if you're not careful could you end up on the wrong side of it.


At 15:15, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Callie - I'm about to lose my mind. The DNC blog made their big update today, which totally screwed up the open thread blog site. Now I can't get back on and everyone else is complaining about how hard it is. Maybe we can get everyone to switch over and use your site. What would you think of that? ;)

At 16:39, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone coming?

At 16:41, Blogger Chuck said...

OK, Jerome. Yeah. I don't have a problem with this at all- as long as Callie's OK with it. But I doubt if anybody follows unless we keep plugging over there. There doesn't seem to be many peeps there right now.

I just want to be doubly sure that this is all right with Callie...

At 16:42, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She told me earlier she was happy for any visitors she could get, so long as they read her site too. Of course, if she says it's too much and asks us to stop, we will.

At 16:43, Blogger Chuck said...

Sorry. Gotta go. My mom just stopped over. BBL!

At 16:49, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I tried . . .

At 18:10, Blogger Chuck said...

I've just returned. Anyone in here?

At 20:30, Blogger RedStateExile said...

You guys are NUTS!!! That's why I love the DNC folks!

Please use my site. It makes me look popular...at least until the DNC figures out how to fix our blog.

At 07:00, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Callie - We made the effort, but the inertia of trying to get everyone over here was too great. They're still trying to blog on a 900 post long thread. Won't even shift to one of the other topic threads on the DNC site. It's a hopeless wreck right now.

At 07:08, Blogger RedStateExile said...

Jerome, I keep getting message that I have to register to post, but I've already registered twice. It seems when you leave the site it forgets you so I sent the DNC a little message saying "Please fix it."

BTW, I was trying to give you a shout out for your nice words about my blog. Maybe we didn't get anyone over here 'cause I don't share the opinions of the DNC in general???

Thank you though for saying such nice things.

I guess I'll try the DNC site later. Hopefully, they'll fix it.

At 08:01, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Callie - You and me don't agree on every issue. That's besides the point. It's all about the respect, right?

At 08:19, Blogger RedStateExile said...

Now THAT I can agree with. :)

I can say I have grown to a point where I don't expect agreement, but I do expect respect.

Besides if we all thought the same, we'd be Republicans! hahaha

At 08:24, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI - The DNC's got their open thread back up and running. It seems to work much better than the Osama thread. Almost as good as the old site. ;) Check back with us when you get a chance.

At 11:07, Blogger jen said...

jeez, Callie, sounds like you had yourself a bona fide neonazi white supremacist in your house. i've met a few when i was in the punk rock hardcore scene in my misspent youth and i'm afraid you may be right to be scared. they can be violent. it was wise of you to just lay low and steer clear. of course, there are those that are all talk too, but i think you did the wisest thing by not challenging them. it would do you no good and would not help anyone else either. it's quite scary to realize these people are all around us. every state has them. if you're a white woman, it's not a surprise that they're okay with you being gay. if you were a gay white man, that would be another story. or if you were any other ethnicity or jewish, you'd be suspect with these freaks. i know way more about them than i would like to. unfortunately the internet has been good to them, let's all these misfits get together and swap ideas. anyway, i'm sorry you had that experience. ugs, jen

At 09:34, Blogger RedStateExile said...

Laying low makes me feel like a coward though. I HATE that feeling but I know this guys history so I couldn't chance it.

They are all around us and could even be next door to us or work with us. He didn't see anyone there to challenge him. That gets me...does he not realize that the Nazis persecuted gays too?

I find it hard to believe that a leopard changes his spots and once you have that in your heart it's impossible to get rid of. All it does is take the right trigger to make the gun go off.


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